Greetings fellow people, I give you one of the most annoying habits known to man. The nail biter. Nail Biting is a way people relive stress, a nervous reaction if you will. I ask you though, why would someone want to start biting their nails off? For people who are germaphobic, nails arent the cleanest spot to be biting. Plus you have no finger nail left after you are done doing so. Aren't nails there to protect you finger tips, which is one of the more sensitive spots on your body? Yes, so why would you bite it off? Then people spit the nail out, I hate it, and im sure others do to. So help me now stop this annoying habit by voting for the law against nail biting to be passed. Punishable by a slap on the wrist if they choose to violate this law. If further violated, then a slap on the head. If nail biter continues to resist, police will take matters into thier own hands.